
Cum sociis Theme natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturie montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Curabitur ullamcorper id ultricies nisi.

1-677-124-44227 184 Main Collins Street, West Victoria 8007 Mon - Sat 8.00 - 18.00, Sunday CLOSED
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Cardiac Rehab Limerick



Cardiac Rehab Limerick is a community based Phase IV exercise rehabilitation program for people following a diagnosis of heart attack or heart failure, or after a procedure such as angioplasty or heart surgery. Our Phase IV classes at Cardiac Rehab Limerick are accredited by the British Association for Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation (BACPR). As a fulltime Firefighter based in Limerick City I am trained to Cardiac First Responder standard and have experience and expertise in attending to patients suffering cardiac events. Cardiac Rehab Limerick Phase IV classes take place in our private gym in Castletroy, and participation in the class is by GP or Phase III referral only. Although participation in exercise carries a risk, all classes are supervised by our Exercise Physiologist and BACPR accredited exercise specialist. Our instructors are also trained Cardiac First Responders and the gym is equipped with an AED.
Although having a cardiac event may feel like your health is out of your control, taking part in a Phase IV program can help reintroduce long-term physical activity and lifestyle change to help get your health back on track. Every positive step you take during your rehab is a positive step towards building a happier and healthier future. Unlike other exercise classes where you can get lost in the crowd, our classes at Cardiac Rehab Limerick are small group classes to ensure that everybody receives the instruction and supervision you deserve. Special attention to your condition and progress is ensured in order for you to obtain the best possible result from your rehab, all sessions will be modified and tailored to suit your needs.



Lower your risk of a future cardiac event
Reduce your mortality by 26%
Improved exercise tolerance which will improve your cardiac function
Exercise helps to reduce your cholesterol
Encouragement to eat better
Enjoy the company of training with your peers
Exercise also helps to regulate your sugars if you’re diabetic
Delay the progression of your cardiac disease
Assistance in ensuring you are ready to return to work
Better engage in daily activities
Improved flexibility and strength
Enjoy social outings and educational evenings
Improve your psychological wellbeing
Encouragement to quit smoking
Encouragement to lose weight if required
Improvement in your symptoms of heart disease



Phase 1 – Begins in the hospital when you initially have a cardiac event. Phase 2 – Continues in the hospital and when you’re discharged home. Phase 3 – Begins approx 6 weeks after your event, and is a hospital based program that you attend in the physiotherapy out patients department. Phase 4 – Is a community based program to help you to continue to overcome your risk factors and to continue exercising in a structured class. Phase 4 is a maintenance journey for life. Phase 4 is what we offer at Cardiac Rehab Limerick For more information on heart disease visit www.irishheart.ie