
Cum sociis Theme natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturie montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Curabitur ullamcorper id ultricies nisi.

1-677-124-44227 184 Main Collins Street, West Victoria 8007 Mon - Sat 8.00 - 18.00, Sunday CLOSED
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Health, Performance And Fitness Testing

Health, Performance And Fitness Testing

Fitness testing and evaluation form the core of the training process and provide baseline measurements from which training goals and program designs can be made. Fitness testing helps us to identify athletic and physical strengths and areas in need of improvement. Additionally, test scores can be used to set fitness goals and evaluation at regular intervals can help us track the clients progress in reaching those goals. In this sense, it is the beginning, middle and end of a truly individualized program. Ultimately, the outcome of this process is the individualized exercise prescription that will best serve each athlete or client. At Limerick Sports & Fitness Clinic we have vast experience in dealing with clients ranging from elite professional athletes, teams, recreational fitness enthusiasts and clients with chronic medical conditions.

Health Tests

For our medical clients the first assessment carried out is always a medical history and physical activity readiness questionnaire (PAR-Q). Based on the information provided it may be necessary for the client to obtain a physicians release before beginning the exercise program. See below for an outline of additional health assessment tests:



Body Mass Index (BMI)

Body Composition (Body Fat %, Girth Measurements)

Functional Movement Screen

Blood Pressure

Resting Heart Rate

utritional Assessment

Sports Performance & Fitness Tests

When choosing tests for sports performance special consideration must be given to the energy requirements and biomechanical movement pattern specificity of the sport. This allows us to select the appropriate fitness tests to measure athletic ability for different sports. A typical testing battery for teams and individual athletes consist of:

Nonfatiguing Tests (Height, Weight, Flexibility, Body Composition)

Agility Tests

Maximum Strength & Power (1 RM Strength Testing)

Sprint Tests

Local Muscular Endurance Tests

Anaerobic Capacity Tests

Aerobic Capacity Tests

Reactive Strength Tests