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1-677-124-44227 184 Main Collins Street, West Victoria 8007 Mon - Sat 8.00 - 18.00, Sunday CLOSED
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Personal Training In Limerick



Whether your goal is to lose a few pounds, tone up your arms, or flattening your stomach for a special occasion, a personal trainer can help you get there. More than just an instructor, a personal trainer can help you come up with the right training plan to meet your goals.



  • Get started. A personal trainer can guide you down the path to fitness by creating a specific exercise routine for you.
  • Learn proper technique and form. If you’re not doing exercises the right way, it can lead to injury that can sideline you. By doing them right, you’re staying safe and also getting the maximum benefit from your workout.
  • Achieve your goals. If you’ve always wanted to lose that last 20 pounds, tone up your body, or just be a healthier person, but you haven’t quite been able to get there on your own, a personal trainer can help keep you on track by providing accountability and motivation to achieve your goals.

Before you begin training at Limerick Sports & Fitness Clinic, we first want to take the time to find out what your specific training goals are by performing an initial baseline assessment. This assessment consists of:

  • Physical activity readiness (PAR-Q) and training goals questionnaire.
  • Completion of a 3 day food diary
  • Body composition assessment (ISAK Standards)
  • Functional Movement Screen

During your initial consultation the information you provide will give us an insight into your health history, previous injuries, your training history and preferences as well as your specific goals. We will also take you through a range of motion and flexibility evaluation which forms a critical part of designing your program – The Functional Movement Screen. During the Functional Movement Screen we will have you perform basic movements that will indicate any critical muscular imbalances and tightness that may need to be addressed and corrected to reduce injury risk and enhance the training process.This information provides us with the blueprint to design an exercise program specifically tailored to your goals and needs. Every single person who works out at with us has a training program designed specifically for them.