
Cum sociis Theme natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturie montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Curabitur ullamcorper id ultricies nisi.

1-677-124-44227 184 Main Collins Street, West Victoria 8007 Mon - Sat 8.00 - 18.00, Sunday CLOSED
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Our Strength Training for Runners classes can help you to become a stronger, faster and more injury resilient runner. These classes have been developed based on the recommendations from a large number of scientific studies examining the beneficial effects of strength training for runners. These recommendations have been combined to provide the most comprehensive 24 week periodised training program for runners available. The classes are run in 4-week blocks and progress in intensity from week to week. Class sizes are limited to a maximum of 10 per class to ensure that every participant receives appropriate instruction and supervision from our Sports & Exercise Scientist and Strength & Conditioning Specialist. The price for the four sessions is €50, this guarantees your spot in the class for the four weeks. Come and join our ever growing Strength Training for Runners community and let us help you take your performance to another level.


The benefits of strength training for runners for both injury prevention and performance are real. Whether your goal is simply to run easier with less pain or to run faster in your next race (whether a 10k , a half marathon, or the full 26.2 miles), a few strength sessions every week can help. In the old days a typical runners training program consisted pretty much of running and not much else. Sports Science has evolved rapidly over the last few decades and with it we have learned much more about how to optimally prepare the body to cope with the demands of running. Today, runners need to do more than just run, they need to be strong and athletic. If they’re not, they can get hurt even if they practice good running form. In fact, some injury statistics put the annual injury rate for runners at a staggering 80 percent. Thankfully reducing the injury rate isn’t that difficult, runners can do so effectively with just 1 to 2 dedicated strength sessions per week. Implementing runner specific strength exercises will increase structural fitness and the ability of your bones, ligaments, tendons, and muscles to withstand the impact of running. While most forms of strength training can help improve overall performance, adding heavy resistance exercises, in particular has been proven to improve running economy on average by 4-7% helping you to sustain attacks, climb hills more aggressively and run faster during the final sprint of a race.